Christien Savoie

Christien “The Tiger” Savoie is a Canadian professional MMA fighter. A native of Saint-John, New Brunswick born in 1992.

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ADDRESS:      Saint John, NB


April 2014

RON BARRY INSIDE THE GAMEMMA fighter, Christien Savoie.On any given day, the indomitable Georges St-Pierre – the great GSP – can be found training at Tristar Gym in Montreal.You might find UFC light heavyweight champion Jon “Bones” Jones in the house. And maybe the world’s ninth-ranked welterweight, Rory MacDonald. Maybe. Or Francois Carmont. Or David Loiseau. Or, any of a number of mixed martial arts professionals who are part of the burgeoning Tristar conglomerate.Saint John’s Christien Savoie spent time this